Vegetable burger with tabbouleh and hummus

20 Minutes

2 Persons


1 packet of Vivera Vegetable Veggie Burger

1 ripe avocado

1 lime (zest and juice)

1 tomato

1/2 red onion

1/2 red pepper

15g coriander leaves

Vegetable oil

Burger buns (toasted)

Vegan mayo


French fries with skin

Pickled red onions (optional, see below)

Optional pickled red onions:

1/2 red onion

2 tbsp red wine vinegar

1 tsp sugar

1/2 tsp salt

What to do

Make the avocado salsa: Peel and stone a ripe avocado, in a bowl, mash half of the avocado and dice the rest. Add the zest and squeeze 1 lime; Finely chop 1 tomato, 1/2 red onion and chop 1/2 red pepper and 15 g coriander leaves. Add to the bowl and mix well. Heat a grill pan. Brush the Vegetable Veggie Burger with a little oil and add to the hot pan. Cook for 8 minutes, turning once until charred. Serve the burgers in toasted burger buns with vegan mayo, lettuce with the avocado salsa and pickled red onions along with skin-on fries.

To make pickled red onions: Chop half a red onion mix with 2 tbsp red wine vinegar, 1 tsp sugar, 1/2 tsp salt and pickle for 10 minutes. (Could drop this and just say serve with pickled red onion) (optional recipe)


Bon appetit!

Plant Veggie Burger

Heat oil in the pan. Fry at medium heat 4 minutes and turn regularly.

Heat in a pre-heated oven for 7 minutes at 225°C.

Heat in the airfryer for 4 minutes at 200°C.

64% vegetables

9% protein

Source of iron and vitamin B12

Look what's inside!